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Native American Medicine Shield

Native American Medicine Shield

Monday, May 24, 2010

Today's thoughts

Today thinking about working with Tarot with other modalities.......
As of late I have had a few clients wanting the full package..they want to take control of their life... take back their power, to feel empowered....

They want the full 2 hr Healing Session....

We begin by getting comfortable....... starting with Native American Tarot, Sacred Path Cards, Animal Totem (Medicine Card), Crystal Card (Lotus Crystal Oracle Tibetan jewel), Kryon card......(Messages channelled with Lee Carroll....)
Tarot reading completley typed and photocopied.....to assist you on your journey.....
A Daily Guidance Card to take home.........

Soul Energy Clearing......with pendulum and charts clear, remove discordent energies to applying healing to enhance current life...Connecting to our Higher selves.....

Chakra Realignment- This balances and realigns the energy points within..... Chakra (Energy wheels within the body relating to emotional, physical needs......) I work  with up to 12 Chakras.........You may have heard of the basic 7- Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, throat, third eye and crown.......Add  the next five Chakras.... Earth Star, Feet, Higher Heart, Skull base, Higher Crown( Solar Star)......
Realigning the Chakras brings the energy points into balance.... not to open..not too closed..........
Assisting coping with daily life.........

Reiki- Hands on/off Healing.... bring healing  vibrations through myself from the Universe.......
          You can find alot  of info about Reiki through the net.......

Hot Stone Massage-Heated stones layed on the back on a towel  to create healing energy ......
                                 A warm flat stone used for massage ............with essential oils........

It is important the client has someone to pick them up after this healing session .... very enlightening....for the client.....

This works for the clients I work with.........
Now for you... think what healing methods can you work with after a client as had a Tarot Reading...
What combinations can you offer.......?  
How does it work? How long do you need for complete session.......?
How much can you charge-offering a deal ?

Some things to think about...
:Look forward to hearing what you do? or how you can combine what you do together.......?

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