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Native American Medicine Shield

Native American Medicine Shield

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Awakening within self....

Finding yourself hearing things,your name being called but no one there?  

Seeing things out of the corner of your eye but when you face it nothing there, it seems to disappear?   

Smells that no one else can smell?  

  Feel things when you walk into a room of people that you were not feeling moments before? finding yourself more sensitive to the environment ........ 

Feel like you are going crazy......?

 What if I was to tell you


So many of us have gone through these aspects  through our journey ... as we have developed and learnt to work with tarot or oracle cards, psychometry, scrying, connecting with Angels, Archangels, through Energy healing like Reiki and each step of the way we have discovered ourselves to become so sensitive to our environment.....   Can't stand being within a party environment?   alcohol holds no interest for us anymore, what we eat or use in our environment seems of value... there seems to be a shift in being able to tolerate other's B. S.  we can't stand it, even White lies.... seem to throw us into a spin......   We keep thinking in our heads .. "for goodness sake just be honest ...... "  
Prefer to be alone or with similar minded people .. A few select not quantity but quality.....

Want to speak to others who are also going through similar aspects in their journey .....?

Come and see us at

Tarotology Forum    

A place that shares Psychic Development information and courses through working with Tarot and Oracle cards, Angels and Archangels, Divination on many levels, Chakras, Reiki  and so much more ...
E-Book ($20 NZ) ...